
HipSaver Open-Bottom is the latest innovation from HipSaver. Requested by nursing staff who saw a need for residents to have a garment that permits easy toileting, the open crotch design is perfect for residents with urge incontinence or challenges in getting clothing on and off. The HipSaver Open-Bottom design retains the discretion of the SlimFit models making it perfect for community dwelling residents as well as those residing in assisted living facilities.

The pant is made from comfortable polycotton fabric and contains no latex or skin irritants. The hip pads are oval in shape measuring roughly 7.5″ long by 6.5″ wide and 1/2″ thick tapering to 1/16″ at the bevelled edge. They are heat sealed into a high temperature tolerant waterproof pouch. The hip pads are odourless and contain no skin irritants or latex. HipSavers are comfortable enough to wear 24 hours a day unlike hard shell hip protectors.