HipSaver Videos

Introduction to HipSaver Hip Protectors

Models for Continent People and Community Dwellers

Models for People Challenged with Incontinence

Outerwear HipSaver Hip Protectors

HipSaver FAQ : How do I wash HipSavers?

HipSaver FAQ : I can wear HipSavers just when I'm going out, right?

HipSaver FAQ : Can anyone tell if I'm wearing HipSavers?

HipSaver FAQ : Are HipSavers covered by insurance?

HipSaver FAQ : How do I figure out the right size?

HipSaver FAQ : What if we get HipSavers and Mom won't wear them?

HipSaver FAQ : How long do HipSavers last?

HipSaver FAQ : What's the difference between the continent and incontinent models?

HipSaver FAQ : How easy are HipSavers to put on and take off?

HipSaver FAQ : Are HipSavers uncomfortable to sleep in?